Term 3 In Room 20
You all know about the basic topics: maths, writing, reading and word study. But do you know how much fun Room 20's learning zone can be? Well, I'm here to tell you all about it.
In maths in Room 20, we get to do lots of problem solving in groups, and often we get to choose who we are with. We once did a maths enquiry called, Can we afford a pet? We did that in groups of two. A week ago Mrs Bate introduced some new maths thing called The Think Tank when one of us asked for some more work. Her response was" Well have I got just the thing for you!" The Think Tank is full of different maths problem solving things. There are sections in this with strange names like quirky questions and steady starters. In these sections there are cards with maths activities on them.
This term for writing we did a lot of persuasive writing, and for the last few weeks of term 3 we are doing a class debate. At one point we did instruction writing which was fun because when some people followed their instructions, they ended up in an entirely unexpected place. We did descriptive writing about someone we know well, like a friend or family member. In the first paragraph we wrote about their physical features, in the second paragraph it was about their voice and how they act, in the third, it was about their build, and in the last, it was about their environment and belongings.
For reading we did a study about the NZ hero Sir Edmund Hillary.
We even wrote a newspaper article about him. We also did something about the 2017 general election and that has led to us having the debate on the last Thursday of term 3. Also this term Room 20 have been working hard on the 125 years celebration of Greenhithe School. We did research on the computer about our assigned decades with our partner, and printed it out. We then put it on a big, decorated display board. You got to choose your own design. Part of our research was to find information, read it and choose what we needed and then write this in our own words. This is not an easy thing to do.
Every Thursday our buddy class (Room 11) comes to our class to do some work with their assigned buddies. Just recently, they came to our class to get their buddies to publish their stories. Some people's buddies had 10 pages worth of writing!
Room 20 absolutely loved the art expedition. They loved looking at all the fascinating pieces of art.
Last but not least word study. Every single week we get a fun word study sheet, which can be mind-boggling, thrilling or rarely easy. With these sheets, the first thing we have to do is highlight the LI (learning intention) and write LI next to the highlighted text. This helps us to focus on what we are learning. Also, these sheets give us our new spelling words for each week. They have activities to help us use our spelling words in different ways. For 4 Thursdays Room 20 did badminton with Marne, the badminton teacher. Room 20 was absolutely overjoyed to learn badminton. All in all Room 20 is a brilliant class, which I bet you would love to be in.
This term for writing we did a lot of persuasive writing, and for the last few weeks of term 3 we are doing a class debate. At one point we did instruction writing which was fun because when some people followed their instructions, they ended up in an entirely unexpected place. We did descriptive writing about someone we know well, like a friend or family member. In the first paragraph we wrote about their physical features, in the second paragraph it was about their voice and how they act, in the third, it was about their build, and in the last, it was about their environment and belongings.
For reading we did a study about the NZ hero Sir Edmund Hillary.
We even wrote a newspaper article about him. We also did something about the 2017 general election and that has led to us having the debate on the last Thursday of term 3. Also this term Room 20 have been working hard on the 125 years celebration of Greenhithe School. We did research on the computer about our assigned decades with our partner, and printed it out. We then put it on a big, decorated display board. You got to choose your own design. Part of our research was to find information, read it and choose what we needed and then write this in our own words. This is not an easy thing to do.
Every Thursday our buddy class (Room 11) comes to our class to do some work with their assigned buddies. Just recently, they came to our class to get their buddies to publish their stories. Some people's buddies had 10 pages worth of writing!
Room 20 absolutely loved the art expedition. They loved looking at all the fascinating pieces of art.
Last but not least word study. Every single week we get a fun word study sheet, which can be mind-boggling, thrilling or rarely easy. With these sheets, the first thing we have to do is highlight the LI (learning intention) and write LI next to the highlighted text. This helps us to focus on what we are learning. Also, these sheets give us our new spelling words for each week. They have activities to help us use our spelling words in different ways. For 4 Thursdays Room 20 did badminton with Marne, the badminton teacher. Room 20 was absolutely overjoyed to learn badminton. All in all Room 20 is a brilliant class, which I bet you would love to be in.
Room 20 at the NZ playhouse show, Puss in Boots Pet Detective. |
Room 20 having an awesome time at badminton. |
Room 20 helping their buddy class to publish their work.
Room 20 smiling at the art expedition. |
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Room 20 working in another extravagant week. |
By Leo