Wednesday, 2 May 2018

The Zoo
On the 1st of May, the year fives went to the zoo! We were interested in bugs.
We have learned a lot about our New Zealand bugs and the parts of their body.

Here is some student voice about our visit to the Zoo and Bug Lab!

“We learnt a lot of information about the bugs and we learnt the names of the body
parts of the bugs.
There’s the head, thorax, abdomen, antennae, legs and wings for some.
We also learnt the groups for the bugs, insect (has six legs) (crustacean has 10 legs) Danielle

“Some were cute and some were fat but we enjoyed the experience,”  Isaac and Charlie.

“We learnt a lot about the bugs. The Weta bug lab was very special and
it is something we would not be able to see anywhere else.”
by Chloe and Holly

“ My favourite part of the Zoo trip was visiting the Bug Lab because
I like learning about bugs” Kevin

“We made a bee and then had to present the finished bee to the class and talk about the parts of its body." Aria and Rylee
"We were making a bug by putting all the different body parts together, We learnt some of the parts of the bug." Veronica and Zahara.

In our group, most of the bugs we chose had six legs. Sienna H”
"It felt tickly and I could feel the little feet moving over my hands". Isaac.
"Look what I found crawling around on the ground." Veronica